NESSA is our latest fully responsive and customizable portfolio WordPress Theme. Designed with latest trends in web-design and a user-friendly interface. Ideal for anyone for who wants to receive a full-package template for their perfect Online Portfolio.
- 3 predefined color versions [light, dark and color] with fully but user-friendly customizable colors of all Theme elements.
- Fully customizable sliding Sidemenu [Graphic or text logo, menu links, expanding sub-menu, menu item order, social Icons & custom copyright].
- Creation of Custom Pages and Portfolio Details or even PhotoJournal pages using Theme Shortcodes [customizable Sliders, Videos (Vimeo, Youtube), custom colors Buttons, Highlighted First Letter, Background Highlight, Quotes, Custom Graphics icons, Editable custom Columns, Mansory Gallery, Testimonials].
- Child Theme included
- Predefined ‘about me’ and ‘contact me’ pages.
- Custom page Support for your Instagram feed.
- Portfolio and Instagram Page loading with Infinite Scroll
- Fully integrated PhotoJournal.
- Supports all main Desktop and Mobile devices
- Full Documentation included in zip file under docs folder